Caution! You are investing outside of AFM supervision. No licensing requirement for this activity.
Oysterduinen Verkoop


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Like other recreational real estate providers, Oysterduinen is required to post a statement with 'You are investing outside AFM supervision'. In the Netherlands, it is a legal requirement to have an AFM license if investments are offered. However, this license is not required if an exemption applies. This exemption applies, for example, to investment objects with a value higher than €100,000.

Why the AFM banner?

The holiday villas offered by Oysterduinen as investment properties are often exempt from the permit requirement because they cost more than €100,000. In this case we are legally obliged to show the statement in our advertising.

More information on exemption notification from the AFM can be found here.

What does AFM stand for?

AFM stands for: Authority for Financial Markets. The AFM supervises the financial markets, which includes savings, investment, insurance and lending. The Authority for the Financial Markets supervises the financial markets to ensure that there is confidence in the financial markets and that the market operates in a fair and clear manner.